Our focus is on projects and clients that are advancing their communities. While many of our clients may be economic development offices or Main Street entities, we are happy to work with anyone seeking a postive impact in their city.
Because the needs and goals of each project are so different, we don’t have a uniform rate, however we are mindful of each client’s budget and constraints.
There are a variety of reasons an organization may hire a consultant: geographic or content knowledge, objectivity, an expert opinion, or sometimes just an extra set of hands. While the most successful projects typically budget for and consider consultants from the earliest stages, roadblocks (deadlines, community pushback, etc.) during an active project are also reasons you may need to bring in an advisor.
Wondering if we can help you tackle your goal or take your project on? While we don’t maintain an exhaustive list of the projects we work on, feel free to reach out and we’d be happy to discuss your project with you.